My Son Is So Giddy With Excitement 24May20

Please ask Papa Father God Yahweh if this Message is directly from Him in the power of the Holy Spirit, and in King Yeshua’s Mighty Name.

Daughter of My Heavenlies, write this urgent epistle in which you saw yourself grasping and running. My daughter will be receiving more Messages from Papa God Yahweh more frequently now. She has been praying fervently about her new duty in Papa’s Ministry. She has been given some pertinent dreams that she asks Me, Papa God Yahweh to confirm if they are from ME, Her living God of all truth, mercy, grace, and love. I say to WendiLee, that time has come that Papa God Yahweh told her many years ago now. My Son Yeshua has also given her a dream years ago; which are congruent with her recent perplexing dreams. Father God Yahweh tells My children this, for I AM uses My Prophetess and Messenger as one of My Examples. WendiLee has learned and has been given much wisdom from Papa God Yahweh and she has been taught to be still and know that I AM God. Though it is extremely hard to stay ever so close to My Son Yeshua in this time of evil and rampant sin; Papa is so very proud of My Son’s Bride. Bride; you have been taught humility and much patience. You have eagerly learned My Son’s Word; your daily meat and you faint with joy at His Holy Presence.

Father God Yahweh says you have climbed each step faithfully with My Son Yeshua, and My Son Yeshua is so giddy with excitement; for He is now able to begin sealing the last division of His Army Bride; Worthy is My Son Yeshua Ha Mashiach.

Father is sending WendiLee, on dangerous times, as I have in the past by giving her many more Messages every week. However, it is never the way you think; My children. Rejoice, My Bride of My Glorious Son Yeshua. I AM Yeshua, and I AM girding you up and receiving your ready and prepared vessels for My Country, My Kingdom of Glory and Truth.

Father has much more to reveal through My ministry. It is all in My Perfect Timing and Plan.

Father God Yahweh loves.

Given to Wendi Lee

Pray, Pray, Pray, For Your President America

Message from God Jehovah Yahweh given to Wendi Lee 26 March 2020

Dearest daughter of mine, write Papa’s words given to you in a dream last night directly from God Jehovah Yahweh. This is a great warning of things that are planned against My Faithful. Great turmoil and anxiety and fear of the unknown grips My World.

Do you know My Son Yeshua? Do you know what great lengths your Papa Daddy Abba will go to draw you to My Beloved Son Yeshua? Papa God Yahweh is not blindsided by what is happening. Papa God Yahweh knows every plan, every outcome, every evil way that has been hatched by the cockatrice. Children there are so many plans of the enemy against you. Papa God Yahweh says to read My Holy Word, where in it is what is happening this moment.

There are three kings that are about to be subdued. Pray pray pray for your president America, for his life is for My Purposes. Trump has made many many enemies doing My Will. Can you see My Children, can you see the enemy’s hidden agenda? America is in the sights of one. Papa God Yahweh is in complete control. Trump will continue to lead My People to victory over abortion. I Papa God Yahweh hears My Faithful’s Prayers and Papa is so very pleased. Roe vs Wade will be stomped out by My Righteous People’s fasting and praying.

The enemy sees that in My Hands it will be done as I AM wills it. He will fight viciously but will be silenced in My Perfect Timing. My Remnant, those who have not given theirselves over to idols will have a great victory in My Son Yeshua’s Name. It will come forth and will not delay. Stand My Bride, for I AM is with you. The enemy will be defeated in killing My Babies.

Cry to Me My Faithful, Father hears and I AM listening. It won’t be much longer before My Messengers are vindicated. Papa God Yahweh says to continue in My Purposes and in My Will. Your time comes on My Earth. All belongs to Me The Great I AM. Birth pains along with the judgments are for the wicked and the shaking awakes My Sleeping Beauties, for they will wake and be mighty through My Son Yeshua, even at the threat of death.

This is all for now My Children. Continue to pray for Papa God Yahweh’s Ministry as Papa has said great change is in the air for Wendi Lee leading My Children in this uncertain time. I would that you would fast and pray for the tremendous job Father God Yahweh is about to give Wendi Lee. She is and will remain My True Prophetess and My Mouthpiece.

Father God Yahweh will tell you to look to the East and do not trust all that you hear. Father truly loves all.

The Mark of the Beast Will Be A Physical Implant…The Vaccine Is A Lead In To What The Evil One Has Planned

May 4, 2020 Given to Wendi Lee

Please take this Message from Papa God Yahweh to your prayer closet, and ask Papa God Yahweh, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and in King Yeshua’s Mighty Name, if this is directly from HIM.

My dear little one, who sat at the Tip of the Finger of God, write God Jehovah’s Message from the epistle you carried from Papa God Yahweh’s Throne Room!

Look out! What’s that happening in the east that is trying to consume the entire world? A ruler, who is purely evil.
A plan that has been growing for many years is being hatched against you Babylon America. Look out My children, be aware, and stay in constant prayer in My Son Yeshua. Listen up, you did not listen to My Prophets of old, and you refuse to listen to My Prophets of now. The three kings are for protecting nations. Pray, pray, pray. They are for My children; listen to your Papa God Yahweh; they will lose their lives for My Son Yeshua. It is written. Much bloodshed, My children. But the worst will be the latter. The worst and most evil king that has already risen once, will begin to rise again with flattery of the nations and great speaking of kindness and love; but his love is of serpents and scorpions. He is out to break My children to pieces. Father says he is no match for ME or My Son Yeshua.
Father God Yahweh will shorten the evil one’s plans to My good pleasure.Understand, My beloved Bride and Guests of My Son Yeshua? Papa God Yahweh, I AM the Great I AM, Heaven and earth are under ME, All is Mine! All of My creation does Father love. ALL! But some will never return My Son’s Love, and they will reap the consequences forever in My pits of eternal damnation. Papa will lead each one of My Son’s sheep and lambs to safety. All is recorded in My Word. You will escape the evil one by My Son Yeshua’s Eternal flowing Blood shed for just you; individually My beloved sons and daughters who worship and adore My Beautiful Son, God Yeshua Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Father misses nothing. Worry not about what is coming to the earth. But King Yeshua has My hearts and I treasure every one. You gave your very heart to ME, I AM Yeshua out of your trust in ME, and your heart is in My Heart. And if your heart is in My Heart than who shall tear you away, NO ONE! My beloved ones, King Yeshua says, do not fear or doubt,
I AM Yeshua has you, no matter what, I AM Yeshua has My Jewels that I have raised up just for this time. TRUST Your KING!

We, Your Mighty God will never let you go. Amen.

My glorious children, you please ME well and you shall receive your exceedingly great reward so very soon now. The mark of the beast will be a physical implant,
pay attention My children, the vaccine is a lead-in to what the evil one has planned. Always ask ME for My revelations; not man. You are in the time of sorrows.

Father loves `

The Virus That Is Out Now Is A Test Of The Enemies of Yahweh

I received this Message from Papa God Yahweh on March 7, 2020, please ask if this Message is directly from Papa God Yahweh, through the Holy Spirit, and in King Yeshua’s Mighty Name.

My dearest daughter of Mine, write what Papa desires for My children to hear. I AM your holy and righteous Father. Are My children living their lives through My Holy and Righteous Son Yeshua? Father says, I AM pleased with My Bride who lives knowing they can do all things by My Son Yeshua Who indeed strengthens them. Father is pleased with My Bride who denies themselves everyday. Father is pleased with My Bride who allows My Son Yeshua to give them joy and make them smile. Father is not pleased with My Bride who causes discontent among the brethren. Father is not pleased with those who have the lust of the world in their hearts. Father is not pleased, My Bride, who do not read My Word and digest it, so they will know what Father hates. As My Holy Word states, My Bride will be split into: the ones who live every moment trying to please My Son Yeshua, and those who may even deny Him to fit in to this wicked world. Father God Yahweh asks you, who should be rewarded? While they are saved by My Son Yeshua’s precious blood, they justify their wicked ways and commit abominations in My sight. Papa says these are the ones that need to wake up to who they are, in My Son Yeshua. Papa says these are the ones who will go through many atrocities as they will not be gathered in My Son’s initial meeting with His honorable and extremely reverent unto Him, Bride. This is in My Holy Word in plain sight.

Do not, as you see America and My other nations are doing; do what My Word says, follow My Son Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Now, Papa tells you there is great upheaval coming when America’s laws will be challenged and even overturned. My Will, My Way. Papa has My children standing up for My babies, Papa has My children intercessing for My people in America (Babylon). Did not Daniel always pray? As wicked as America Babylon is, I have those who are My prayer warriors; understand My children? Father has My perfect plan in place. You are here, you are in My, Papa God Yahweh’s last generation, and what does Papa’s Word say concerning My Jewels? I will protect who are Mine, and the enemy will be in derision. He desires to bring My Bride down to destroy her, but he will be held back by My Hand. Who is in control of all circumstances, My children? Papa God Yahweh does not reveal everything that I AM going to do. Do not be afraid, do not fret. The enemy will be enraged when I take back My babies in the womb, which I AM Papa God Yahweh created! They do just as their ancient fathers did, sacrifice their little ones to baal. God Yeshua has all of Mine, all of Mine who have given their full lives unto Me. I AM will not let any harm come to you, not even a hair on your head. I AM Yeshua AM your King, and the enemy will not be allowed to destroy America while My children are still in it. Understand this; My Bride. My Father’s timeframe is perfect and His Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Persecution like you have never seen in America is at hand. The virus that is out now, is a test by the enemies of God Yahweh. What does this tell you, My children? Be prepared, pray against what may be coming; My Father hears, and His Permissive Will is mercy for His children. Love each other, as I love each of you. Papa God Yahweh says, prepare, prepare, prepare in My Son Yeshua. The enemy is about to be shackled from preventing My precious babies to live. I AM God Yahweh! I AM the God of pure love. Rise and fight in your prayer closet! Great change is here!

Papa has said enough!
Papa loves you in such earnest, and I AM the King of your destiny

Children This Is Your Final Stretch You Are On Your Way to Home Sweet Home In Your Heavenly Abode

King Yeshua Word given to Wendi Lee 4 Dec 19

It is I your Beloved Everlasting Happy King Yeshua Ha Mashiach. I am giving My Beloved Daughter My Messages written as poems. Though they are poetic, they are ever so true, for I AM Truth. My Daughter is in the midst of transition in her life. Papa has given her a great blessing which will soon be revealed in My Perfect Timing. Pray for My Little Apostle for she experienced a most horrific dream last night. A dream that was ever so real, but I AM was right there with her. She will tell of this dream and how it relates to My Children.

Children this is the final of the final stretch, you are on your way to home sweet home in your heavenly abode with your God Jehovah Everlasting. I know I know just how tired you are. Have I not sent much encouragement to all of you? Look and see what blessings I give each one of you no matter of your current circumstance. IAM Yeshua will never leave My Own and I know you if you have sought Me with all of your heart. I do not know you if you have rejected Me and My Word.

Give your heart to Me. I know how to gently ease you down My Narrow Path of Righteousness and Holiness. I AM Holy. See Me Holy through Me. My Creation cannot understand Me without My Ruach Hakodesh. He lives in each of My Children to teach and reprove and set thee on the right path. Yes you can me Mine and still be on the wrong unlit path. I will gently turn you around and you will hear My Still Small Voice leading your every move.

Pray for My Lost Children for I do so love them. I AM Yeshua knows who are mine, I do I do. Don’t try to understand My Father’s Perfect Ways, you will be left wanting, but know that My Father knows all, the beginning and the ending and everything in between.

My Daughter does not know what to expect in Papa’s Part 2 of His Third Phase. I AM Yeshua visited her with My Chalice of Living Water in her dream, the same night she received My First Short Poem but she was very vigilant in praying and challenging if it was from Me, Yeshua. Her life and her experiences with me are all incorporated unto My Father placing her in His Ministry.

I AM Yeshua wants to be very close to My Children, all of them. I churn at their hearts and some will respond and some will take some time and some won’t ever respond to their Everlasting Saviour Yeshua Ha Mashiach. Keep praying for the time is here when they will not listen to sound doctrine.

Your Beloved King of All Creation, I AM at the helm of your vessel. I’ve given My Word through My Dedicated Prophetess, High Priestess, and Apostle Wendi Lee.

My Children I Have Given This Generation So Many Chances to Accept My Son Yeshua

Received from Father Yahweh 8 Feb 2020

Write this down My Beautiful One for I AM has selected you to be My Spokesperson to My Papa God Yahweh’s Messages, for My Glory. Children of Mine do you not know this is the day of woes. Let Father say this, giants used to roam My Earth in Noah’s day and all of mankind turned to the evil one. Their hearts were unclean and filthy. Papa already had a plan and nothing can thwart Me. All that died in My Flood had rejected Me, so Papa gave to them their hearts desire, after I had My Preacher Noah tell them of Me Pure Love. Yet they would not for 120 years.

My Children I have given this generation so many chances to accept My Son Yeshua, and yet they stick their noses up and reject their One and Only True Saviour and Friend, so Papa God Yahweh must increase My Birth Pangs and Judgment Levels to bring My Children to My Bosom. My Heart. This is what I Papa God Yahweh Jehovah wants is to gather all and tuck them under My Wings to dwell forever at My Altar.

It is no mystery to Me who My Remnant is, yes I have always and will still have a people that will not bow themselves to other little gods. I will have My Jewish Remnant also. All must go through My Heavy Handed Discipline. This cleans My Children up through My Son Yeshua’s Blood.

My Daughter was blessed with a wonderful and perplexing experience from God Yahweh and “Pawpaw”. She was not expecting to have a conversation with her husband Donald from Heaven, but she received that blessing from her “Pawpaw”. “Pawpaw” allowed her before a few years ago also to talk to Donald. Wendi Lee hasn’t mentioned her past conversations with her husband because of many reasons. This is how I bless and give good gifts to My Children who follow My Son Yeshua’s every lead. Wendi Lee can barely comprehend either experience.

Papa God Yahweh has much in store for all of My Children. Papa gives much and much is to be expected. Children you cannot realize how difficult it is to be My Prophet. Do you remember how My Other Prophets lived? They felt isolated and alone in the revelations that I gave them. It is now and it always has been greuling and lonely to hear directly from Me God Jehovah Yahweh.

Wendi Lee and My Other Prophets are always in much prayer about every message that I give. Papa expects them to challenge Me as I AM has taught them. Wendi Lee was challenging Me about being allowed to talk to Donald in My Holy Word. I AM quickly reminded her of who John talked to in the mighty vision of My Heavenlies.

Listen to My True Prophets My Children. Papa says much judgment is coming to America. My Son Donald Trump thinks he is doing Israel a favor with the peace plan he has endorsed, however liveth, it betrays My Israel, having Israel accept My Land to be divided is going to trigger the worst war to come.
There will never be peace My Children, My Peace, My Son Yeshua has not been called upon or cried out to by My Israelites. Until they realize who My Son Yeshua is there will be much bloodshed by the enemy. Do not worry My Beloved Children for this must come to pass.

Papa God Yahweh has written My Story and it is GOOD. Papa God Yahweh loves and cherishes every moment you are communing with My Son Yeshua. Papa Loves.

Who I AM

Given to Wendi Lee 10 September 2105

My Beautiful Daughter write My Faithful and True Words to all of My Beloved Creation:
King Yeshua Ha Mashiach; who is He, you might ask. He is the Great God Almighty. He is Me, your Eternal Lord and Master. I AM the Glorious Son of the Highest. I was born of a woman on earth, a virgin who never knew her husband until after My Birth. I weighed six pounds and twelve ounces when I was born, and I was born into a very poor family. I was raised as a normal child; and had many friends as I grew. This was important that everything in My childhood was normal, for this shows how Human I AM. It was also very important for Me to be baptized by John the Baptist, so I could fulfil My Mission by My Father who sent Me. There may be some of you who don’t understand how I, your God could have a normal childhood, it is indeed hard to comprehend. But I tell you yet again, I AM incomprehensible. Who can search and know My Ways. Who can compare to Me; no one My Children. I fulfilled My duties to My Father, as I hung on that cross, My Loves. He sent Me just for that purpose , and I willingly gave My Life for the world’s sins. So that all who will believe in Me, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, will have everlasting life and have it more abundantly. O’ My Children, you know how late it is, darkness envelopes this earth, My Lovely Creation. If you are one of My Faithful, you will be hidden in Me; for I protect all of My Little Ones. However, My Wrath will take its toll on the stiffnecked ones who have hardened their hearts to Me. I weep over you, My Beautiful Creation, I truly do. My Children, all of you are My Creation, and I love you all the same. I do not have any favorites. However, My Children who belong to Me have different roles. And no two of My Little Ones have the same path. You must work out your own salvation, My Loves, with fear and trembling. I love you, My Beautiful Loves,King Yeshua Ha Mashiach

When Did I Say That My Word Goes With The Culture Of The Day?

Given to Wendi Lee on 30 Mar 19 by Papa God Yahweh

Daughter, so faithful and devoted to Your King, you are to write what Papa God Yahweh tells you. Write My Child. Papa says enough with My Sleeping Church.Is it a light thing that your world is now mimicking hell on earth? When did I say that My Word goes with the culture of the day.Papa Your Holy and True One, who sent His Only Begotten Son Yeshua, so that the world could be saved by Yeshua’s willing and perfect sacrifice, will begin to show this decaying world who I AM.
My Children seem to think that I’m in My Heavenlies sound asleep. I AM a Faithful and Extremely Active God Yahweh. No one will ever love and care for you as I AM does.
Do not continue to be docile. Get up and fight, My Spiritual Warriors. Draw out the sword that does the fighting for you. My Sword spells “Defeated is satan and the fallen evil ones ” My Sword does not hold back for My Sword is My Eternal and Victorious Word of God,My Beloved Son Yeshua HaMashiach. You can only have access to My Sword if you have accepted My Son Yeshua Jesus Christ into your heart, life, and your free will. For without My Son you are dirt and dung grows within you.
You fool all by your shiny self on the outside but The Great I AM says you are a fool and I will confound you with My Simple. I AM ever so merciful with every one of my creation but I AM knows what is just ahead. Can you hear the bullhorn saying to keep your armor on and have My Word upon your tongues? The battle between My Angels and the devil’s angels is raging.
You are at the point where the devil has come down to you. Woe to you My Earth. Hear me now. You will begin to see the outbreak of severe persecution in America Babylon. Yes My Church, Babylon is America and has been turned over to the lawmakers who invite My Creation who embattle themselves against My Son Yeshua. It is a battle they will sorely regret. Did I not command My Israelites not to allow my enemy into the camp? They have clearly deceived you, My Children.
The devil is out to kill you My Church, however, you have put down My Son’s Words for so long you do not have any ammunition to go against it. Can you see it? My Awake Church, can you see how the enemy has snuck in unawares. This enemy hates My Israel and this enemy hates My Son Yeshua’s Church.
Now do you understand all of Father God Yahweh’s Warnings? Now do you see how Papa has been telling My Children it won’t happen the way you have heard? The enemy was patient and is now going in for the kill for he has plenty of wolves in sheep’s clothing here in America Babylon.
How can My Church think that God Yahweh can bless your sinful abominable lawless murderous laws? I tell you the truth. Many will be begging for My Son to rescue them and He will not turn anyone away. Persecution purges My Children from their sinful ways.
If you have not given your life as a complete sacrifice to My Son, you will soon know how to honor My Son Yeshua and you will soon know how to revere My Son Yeshua. My children, Papa has given you My Signs in My Holy Word. Take heed and take notice. Who will stand up for My Son Yeshua? Your Papa, Your Daddy Yahweh

Persecution Is Coming To This Nation Of Babylon

Given to Wendi Lee 2 Mar 19 By King Yeshua

 My dearest daughter Wendi Lee, hear My Words and write what God Yeshua says to My Children. Gear up and ready yourselves to ride upon the troubled winds on My Earth. You can see as the evil is encircling all that is good and calling it evil. Was not this written?  Children, I AM  in control and I hear all of your prayers for the lost ones in your families and for My Babies who are being murdered by the laws of men.
God Jehovah has warned about the love of many waxing cold. Well, I ask you, can you see that sin is so very rampant on My Earth? If I AM doesn’t intervene, man will sin himself into oblivion. Is this not the days of Noah?Men are reprobate and God will give them over as they do not want Me to save themselves.
I still work in those who are mine and do not think I have forgotten about any of you for I will never forget who are Mine.I have a special place for just You in My Heavenlies. Yes I do.
This life is full of testings and trials. but My Children, they are strengthening you for what is to come. I tell you, they will soon be outlawing Me everywhere and they will come for My Own.
I AM your hiding place. Is there anything too difficult for Your King? Though your flesh may be touched, it will not harm you. For you are strong in Me.Understand? This is what My Early Church leaned upon, Me, for they knew I was the Only One who loved them so much that I died for each of them. And oh how they loved Me and how they didn’t love their fleshly lives to the death. For once I take your spirit home, you are with Me in My Heavenlies forever.
Have faith My Saints. They will take you into mock courts and will bear false witness against you. Have I not said this in My Word? Yet many of you think that My Bride will not suffer. Where is that in My Holy Word, My Children?
Persecution is coming to this nation of Babylon. Persecution is coming very quickly. Be ready. Stand strong. Pay attention to what My Holy Spirit is leading you to do, not one-size-fits-all, my saints. Understand? 
I have given many visions to Wendi Lee and other of My Messengers, many of persecution in this nation I AM has richly blessed and I say it will be no more. I have My Faithful still in this wicked country for My Light will shine through the wicked darkness. Nothing can put out your light if you live for Me.
If you have chosen not to give your all to Me, then you shall go through much tribulation, for I must refine you and prepare you to enter into the Kingdom of God. This is all for now. Be ready.Be vigilant for persecution is being opened up from the enemy. Trust me, My Beloved Saints,trust your Faithful and True King Yeshua HaMashiach. So much love.
King Yeshua, The Great I AM, Messiah Jesus